HIA Reports

South East Queensland Regional Plan Health & Social Impact Assessment

Queensland Health, Queensland Department of Communities & Queensland Office of Urban Management

Abstract: A health and social impact assessment  of the South East Queensland Regional Plan was  undertaken in 2005 (Queensland Government,  2005). It is one of few attempts nationally and  globally to apply health and social impact assessment  to a regional planning process. The assessment  methodology builds on existing  evidence-based research, methodologies and the  combined professional experience of both health  and social impact assessment practices in  Queensland. The approach adds further strength  and rigour to planning strategies to enhance the  health and well-being of communities. The way the  South East Queensland Regional Plan is implemented,  and how the plan influences access to jobs,  education, affordable housing and social infrastructure,  and the achievement of social inclusion  and connectedness within communities, will be  central to future health and well-being of people in  South East Queensland.

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