HIA Reports

Good for Kids Good For Life Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment

Hunter New England Area Health Service

This report outlines the methods and findings from the Hunter New England Area Health  Service’s (HNE AHS) ‘Good for Kids. Good for Life.’ program (Good for Kids) Health  Impact Assessment (HIA). The HIA was completed in the period December 2006 –  August 2007 and was implemented under the direction of a Good for Kids HIA working  party and staff of the Good for Kids program. As an HIA development site, the working  party and program staff received additional support from the University of NSW  Research Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity (CHETRE).

The purpose of the Good for Kids equity-focused HIA was to improve the equity with  which the program was delivered to Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children. The use of  HIA’s in Aboriginal health contexts has been limited, so the HIA working party took the  opportunity modify the HIA so that it better reflected the principles of Aboriginal Health.  This involved drawing on equity-focussed HIA methodology, learning from HIA’s  completed in indigenous communities overseas and adopting an Aboriginal model of  health.

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